![Magic the Gathering (MTG). 5th Edition S-Chinese special V symbol. Shop.](https://primary.jwwb.nl/public/w/l/z/temp-dwiwhovaukcxwmzhefgs/5th-edition-mtg-symbolchinese-high.jpg?enable-io=true&enable=upscale&crop=184%2C193%2Cx13%2Cy0%2Csafe&width=210&height=221)
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Magic the Gathering (MTG):
Fifth Edition (5th Edition V symbol S-Chinese) is a core set that was released in March 1997.
It is by far the largest version of the Magic: The Gathering core set, surpassing both Fourth Edition and Chronicles.
This site section contains the special Simplified-Chinese language, who's owns a V symbol.
(Those cards were only available as Starter set for 2 players (SKU: WOC28002)).
Pics show in the shop are issued from my own data base its' not specially the card itself..
*cards are dated 1993-1998.
*350 non-foil white-border cards.
*there's no plains V4 for the 5th ED S-Chinese.
*some cards owns alternate art pics.
*some misprint copyrights, artists name.
*the rarity symbol is not always the same.
*number of cards are not the same as the regular english 5th edition.