© 2025 Warlord: Saga of the Storm by Kingswood Games An official licensee of AEG.
Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Note that :
A reprinted version of this Battle Box, called "Bigger" Battle Box was release much later in 2003. This new version owns the same caracteristics as the first version but 5 Treasure promo cards were added as supplement in the Box (Knives of Betrayal, Masterwork Armor, Punch Daggers, Rod of Absorption, and Unseen Arrow).
This bigger battle box owns a grey silver sticker on it.
*This Battle Box exist also as a "blue" color version empty from any contents. This latest version was given as gift or during some Warlord CCG events or tournaments.
Warlord Saga of the Storm (CCG) :
Battle Box I.
*Release date : April 2001 (Saga of the Storm Battle Box ERA).
*AEG product #6102.
*Number of Cards : two player starter set of two 50 cards deck (Free Kingdsoms and a Nothrog Deck).
*Cards are exactely the same as SS first Edition.
*The box contains as well a 1D20 dice, a Warlord playmate, a 32 pages book rules.
*2 unique cards : "Sword of the Chaos" and "Sword of the North" (Reprinted many later in Epic Edition base set).
*US MSRP : $19.99.
*ISBN : 729220610027.