Warlord Saga of the Storm. Light and shadow cards. Shop.
Warlord Saga of the Storm Light and Shadow Battle pack Box

© 2025 Warlord: Saga of the Storm by Kingswood Games An official licensee of AEG.

Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Warlord Saga of the Storm. Light and Shadow Battle pack Cover.

Warlord Saga of the Storm (CCG) :


Light and Shadow (LS).


*Release date : September 10, 2007.

*Number of Cards : 120.

*AEG product. 

*Sold As : Boosters Box (24 Boosters), Battle Pack Box (16 Battle Pack - each Battle Pack contains 25 cards)).

*The Light and Shadow expansion contains as "Plane of Secrets", "Temple of Lore" and "Epic Edition" accented foil cards process printing in place off regular foil printing process for older expansions.


*Four foil rare cards are special : "Bran Segula", "Firral", "Rouse" and "Inner Light". Thoses cards own some "subliminal" other foil pic in the background (not present in the regular non foil version).

*Note also that each C and U cards exist also as foil cards. Thoses ones are only available in the Battle Pack and there's only 1 foil U or C card per box.