Magic The Gathering (MTG): Revised Editions Various :
This section of the site contains all the Magic the Gathering : Revised Editions.
It is separate in sections :
1) Revised Edition US English version.
2) Revised Edition Foreign White Borders Italian dated 1995 (F.W.B.) (The Case...).
3) Revised Edition Foreign Black Borders dated 1994 (F.B.B) - French language - PENDING.
4) Revised Edition Foreign WHITE Borders DATED 1994 (F.W.B.) - French language - PENDING.
- All pics show in the shop are issued from my own data base.
- If you use the search engine usually the code of the expansion or edition (afa: CHR) will gives you all the cards of it.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.
Revised Edition (US).
To not confound with Summer Magic or Unlimited Edition, Foreign BB 1994, Foreign WB 1994 and other cases.
Pics show in the shop are issued from my own data base.
*Released Date 1st April, 1994.
*306 non-foil white-border cards, cards have no dated and no symbol (15 basic lands, 75 commons, 95 uncommons, and 121 rares).
*Cards were available in boosters Pack (GTIN: 7 42818 06700 3) and Booster Pack Box
(SKU: WOC6700 / ISBN 1-880992-26-4 / GTIN: 7 42818 16700 0), Starter Deck (SKU: WOC6100 /
GTIN: 7 42818 06100 1), Starter Deck Box (SKU: WOC6100 / GTIN: 7 42818 16100 8) and Gift Box (SKU: WOC6550 / ISBN: 1-880992-52-3 / GTIN: 7 42818 06550 4).
*Cards list are not complete.
*Cards are not classify by alphabetical order.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.
Magic the Gathering (MTG):
Revised Italian Edition foreign White Borders (FWB) (Dated 1995 - 3rd Basic Edition).
Pics show in the shop are issued from my own data base, they have been injected in German language but cards are of course .... in Italian language.
Sometimes, Revised Foreign White Border and 4th Edition cards are hard to tell apart.
Revised Edition, except the english version, of course, was also released in Italian, French and German. All had a black-bordered and a white-bordered print run.
In German and Italian cards, the last ones as well as the printings of 4th Edition both show similar frames and the copyright date 1995 in place off 1994. French cards (FBB and FWB) are more distinct: The copyright date on almost all FWB cards is 1994.
The real Italian Revised FWB, except some severals differences, owns a dot back.
That's the most easy tip to recoignize them.