Magic The Gathering (MTG) : Hachette & Salvat Series :


This section of the site contains all the Magic the Gathering : Hachette and Salvat Editions.

It is separate in 3 sections :

1) Hachette French White Borders (Sliver type cards).

2) Hachette Italian White borders (only exclusive cards - 2005).

3) Salvat Spanish black borders 2011.


- All pics show in the shop are issued from my own data base.

- If you use the search engine usually the code of the expansion or edition (afa: Salvat) will gives you all the cards of it.

French Hachette white borders 2006 / 2007 Serie, Magic Encyclopedia.



*This section contains all the slivers type creature from the French Hachette encyclopedia published in issue 16 to 20 (Slivers theme deck from 2007).

*Cards are numbered 1/60 to 60/60, often same pic but numbered differently. Some are rarest than rare cards due to the number of quantity prensent only in one issue.

*This encyclopedia was distributed by the Hachette group publishing company and Hasbro, parent company of Wizards of the Coast.

The product was sold with a set of exclusive cards that form theme decks.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Magic the Gathering (MTG). Special unique Italian cards. Shop.

Hachette Italian white borders 2005, Magic Encyclopedia.


*This section contains the exclusive Italian cards that doesn't appear in the Hachette 2005 Edition as in French, English (only 5 issues) and Spanish language (not the Salvat Black borders edition) and some others regular ones.

*Thoses exclusives cards are mainly issue from the "Beast" and "Cat" theme deck.

*This encyclopedia was distributed by the Hachette group publishing company and Hasbro, parent company of Wizards of the Coast.

The product was sold with a set of exclusive cards that form theme decks.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Magic the Gathering (MTG). Salvat Spanish BB Cards. Shop.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Salvat Spanish black borders 2011 (Salvat B.B.), Magic Encyclopedia. 

Not the white borders Hachette version from 2005.



*Starting in January 2011 up to 2012. 60 more issues of Salvat new encyclopedia were available. New Salvat cards (2011 version "horse logo") were offered with black borders while the old ones have white borders (2005 version "Pegasus" logo), the cards logos are different, the cards number are not unique.

*12 preconstructed decks for a total of 720 cards, 224 different illustrations (59 Rares, 59 Uncommons, 86 Commons, 20 Basic Lands). Each booster included 12 cards.
At the difference of the first Salvat edition 2005, when a card was used in several decks, it has the same collector number.

*This encyclopedia was distributed in Spain by Salvat. a company of the Hachette group publishing company and Hasbro, parent company of Wizards of the Coast.

The product was sold with a set of exclusive cards that form theme decks.