charassaut désert


Playing Cards Resume / Résumé de Toutes les Cartes à jouer :

English Description : 

Description Française :

The game: After: The Board Game contains various playing cards. So as not to get lost among them, you'll find below a general summary of them, with lots of details and useful links.
Enjoy the game!


NB: =>X being the card number.

In codification, S means = a special card.

Numbers = total number of cards, including special ones.

UPDATE : 10/03/2025.

Le jeu : After : The Board Game contient différentes cartes à jouer. Afin de ne pas vous y perdre parmi celles-ci, vous retrouver ci-dessous un résumé générale de ces dernières avec moultes détails et liens utiles.
Bon jeu !


NB=>X étant le numéro de la carte.

En codification, S signifie = une carte spécial.

Numbers = nombre de cartes totale, inclus cartes spéciales.

MISE A JOUR: 10/03/2025.

Playing card type: Basic Ed.: Codification: Codification 2: Numbers: Where can I get it?: Front design: Back design:
Military units playing card. ED.1 : 2025. X/108UN / 108 Basic Edition Box. Regular. Unique Picture.
Promotional military units playing card : "My Own Officer card". ED.1 : 2025. PRXUNP / 9 Official tournaments top 3. Non regular. Unique picture (your own pic).
Resource playing card. ED.1 : 2025. X/164RE X/164RES 164 Basic Edition Box. Regular. Regular "After" logo.
Promotional resource playing card. ED.1 : 2025. XREP XREPS Pending. Official shop / Patreon LVL 1, 2 & LVL 3 Regular Regular "After" logo.
Territory playing card. ED.1 : 2025. X/85T X/85TS 85 Basic Edition Box. Regular. Regular "After" logo.
Promotional territory card. ED.1 : 2025. PRXT PRXTS 14 Tournament promo / Official shop. Non regular. Regular "After" logo.
Promotional Event card Tournament. ED.1 : 2025. PRXEV / 5 Tournament participation Regular. Non regular "After" logo.
Promotional Event card Patreon LVL 2. ED.1 : 2025. PRXEVB / Pending. Patreon Gift LVL 2 support. Regular. Non regular "After" logo.
Promotional Event card Patreon LVL 3. ED.1 : 2025. PRXEVB* / Pending. Patreon Gift LVL 3 support. Regular. Non regular "After" logo.

Tous les liens utiles pour le texte ci-dessus / All the useful links for the text above:

-Military units playing cards / Cartes à jouer d'unités militaires.


-Military officer units playing cards / Cartes à jouer d'officiers militaires.


-Promotional military units cards : "My Own Officer card" / Cartes promotionnelles d'unités militaires "My Own Officer card".


-Other playing promo cards / Autres cartes à joueur promotionnelles.


-Resources playing cards / Cartes à joueur de ressources.


-Territories playing cards / Cartes à jouer de territoires.


-Patreon (The Bunker) explanations page / Page explicative de Patreon (The Bunker).


After : The Board Game official shop section / Le magasin officiel After : The Board Game.