AFTER : THE BOARD GAME : Stock Updates & The Buylist / Mises à Jours des stocks & Liste d'achat :




1) Site General Stock status Updates Informations :

Introduction : Site Quantity of Products available (cards & items) :


AT 17/01/2025 : 

10.075 cards and items have been created one by one ... .

AT 07/02/2025 : 

10.888 cards and items have been created one by one ... .

AT 09/03/2025 : 

12.636 cards and items have been created one by one ... .

English Description :

In addition to my own game, even if I haven't entered all my stocks for the various games, you'll find here in this section, for miscellaneous information, what I no longer have or in few quantities.

You can also check the FAQ section of the site to see which products I still buy, which I sometimes buy or which I no longer buy (Magic the Gathering (MTG)), for example.

Basically (I specify “basically”), you'll know what I don't have any more, what I still have that isn't encoded, etc...


This detailed information by type of game also runs parallel to the stock updates (my encodings) listed on each general presentation page for each different type of product at the bottom of each of these pages:

-Section : Shop Intro : Warlord Saga of the Storm.

-Section : Shop Intro : Magic the Gathering (MTG).

-Section : Shop Intro : Legend of the Five Rings (L5R).

-Section : Shop Intro Warhammer.

Description Française :

Outre mon propre jeu, même si je n'ai pas saisi tous mes stocks pour les différents jeux, vous trouverez ici dans cette section à titre d'informations diverses, ce que je ne possède plus ou peu.

Vous pouvez également vérifier au niveau des FAQ du site, les produits que j'achète encore, que j'achète parfois ou que je n'achète plus (Magic the Gathering (MTG)) par exemple.

En gros (je précise "en gros"), de ce fait, vous savez d'office, ce que je n'ai plus, ce que j'ai encore qui n'est pas encodé, etc...


Ces informations détaillés par type de jeu sont également parallèles à la mise à jour de stock (mes encodages) repris sur chaque page générale de présentation de chaque type de produits différents en bas de chacune de ces pages:

-Section : Shop Intro : Warlord Saga of the Storm.

-Section : Shop Intro : Magic the Gathering (MTG).

-Section : Shop Intro : Legend of the Five Rings (L5R).

-Section : Shop Intro : Warhammer.

image bibliothèque

2) Small introduction to the Buylist : 

This section of the site will be launch in 2025 when the site will be running normaly, so thanks for your patience.


-You must have an account on our Website to sell or trade.

-Payment only with Paypal.

3) AFTER : THE BOARD GAME  : The Buylist :

Important: The items listed in this section of my site are not for sale.

Instead, these are the items we will buy from you in exchange for payment.


We offer two payment options for your Warlord Saga of the Storm, Legend of the Five Rings, Warhammer items:

*Cash via PayPal (PayPal may apply their own fee).

*Discount voucher of 15% more than Paypal Cash payment that can be used on all single cards in my store.