Magic the Gathering (MTG) cards shop section
Magic the Gathering (MTG) : Flumph

MAGIC THE GATHERING (MTG) (CCG) : Shop Introduction (Explanations) :

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

=> Check out the Magic the Gathering (MTG) sub-menus in the main site above to make your purchases (cards until 2023)!

=> Consultez les sous-menus de Magic the Gathering (MTG) dans le menu principal du site au dessus pour faire vos achats (CARTES jusqu'en 2023)!

Explanations of the Shop MTG section of the Site :

Magic the Gathering.

About the search site engine (the site's magnifying glass) / A propos du moteur de recherche du site (la loupe) :

English Text:

1)apple banana
give the pages which contain the two words.

2)apple -banana
give the pages with apple, but without banana.

3)"pomme de reinette"
gives the pages that contain exactly the words pomme de reinette.

gives the pages that contain words beginning with ‘pom’ such as pommier or pompe.

5)Item reference.

It's as well possible to search a item with his reference number as for example: WCE12.


French Text:

1)pomme banane
donne les pages qui contiennent les deux mots.

2)pomme -banane
donner les pages avec pomme, mais sans banane.

3)"pomme de reinette"
donne les pages qui contiennent exactement les termes pomme de reinette.

Affiche les pages qui contiennent les mots commençant par "pom" comme pommier ou pompe.

5)Référence d'article.

Il est également possible de trouver un article avec son numéro de référence, par exemple: WCE12.

Cardmarket professional seller

Magic the Gathering (MTG) :


* Rarity (noted with the card title):


*R = RARE.






These products must be ordered separately from all my After : The Board Game.

All cards are in English unless otherwise indicated.

Thank you for your interest.


* My evaluations for MTG :

Cardmarket website : Overall Evaluation 100% (I was there from 2010 until February 2023 - I'm no longer there for logical reasons (see About me).

Ebay Website : Overall Evaluation 100% (10.437 evaluations / since 2003 - I'm only present there but for personal use not job part).


* Notes :


So we are both reassured and cover in case off problems.

Thanks for your understanding.

Check as well in case off, our general terms & conditions and delivery explanations.

Thank You.


* Magic the Gathering (MTG): Some shop explanations and card research request :

The cards listed on the site are, of course, available directly...
But please note that if you have any requests for available cards (which would entail research and their possible subsequent creation on the site, etc.), my own game takes priority.
So to sum up, for a request for available cards, I'll either have the time to take care of it (so much the better for you in this case...), or it's possible that I won't have the time to take care of it at all (unfortunately and regretfully for you and me...)...
So it's a bit of a roll of the dice!

Please note that I NO longer buy Magic the Gathering cards.

Thanks to check my MTG grading guide down this page.

The images are taken from my database and do not reflect the actual state of the card unless the card is scanned.

If necessary, I can send you scans of cards within reason.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.


=>For your card creation requests, if any, unusual and uncommons Magic the Gathering (MTG) cards are here. So you're free to acquire them or not!


Also check out my Buylist page on the site for my personal shopping requests and for shopping explanations between us!

Explications de la Partie Shop MTG du Site :

Magic the Gathering (MTG) :


* Rareté (notée avec le titre de la carte) :


-R = RARE.






Ces produits doivent être commandés séparément de tous mes produits After : The Board Game.

Toutes les cartes sont en langue anglaise excepté s'il y a une annotation d'une autre langue.

Merci de votre intérêt.


* Mes évaluations pour MTG :

Site Cardmarket : Overall Evaluation 100% (j'y étais depuis 2010 jusqu'en février 2023 - Je n'y suis plus présent pour raison de logique (Cfr le cas échéant About me).

Ebay Website : Overall Evaluation 100% (10.437 evaluations / depuis 2003 - j'y suis seulement présent de temps à autres mais pour vente personnelle et non profesionelle).


* Notes :


Ainsi nous sommes à la fois rassurés et couverts en cas de problème.

Merci de votre compréhension.

Vérifiez le cas échéant nos conditions générales de vente et les explications relatives à la livraison.

Merci de votre compréhension.


* Magic the Gathering (MTG) : Quelques explications du shop et requêtes de recherches de cartes :

Les cartes sur le site sont bien sûr directement disponibles...

Mais attention, si vous avez des demandes diverses de stock de cartes disponible (ce qui entraînerait des recherches et leurs possibles créations ultérieures sur le site, etc.), mon propre jeu passe en priorité.
Donc en résumé, pour une demande de disponibilité de cartes, j'aurai soit le temps de m'en occuper (tant mieux pour vous dans ce cas-ci...), soit il est possible, que je n'aurai pas du tout le temps de m'en occuper (malheureusement et à regret pour vous et moi...)...
Cela se joue donc un peu au lancer de dé!

En cas de besoin, merci d'utiliser le lien contact en bas de cette page.

Notez aussi que je n'achète PLUS de cartes Magic the Gathering.

Merci de vérifier mon guide de qualités de cartes en bas de cette page.

Les images sont issues de ma base de donnée, ces dernières ne reflètent pas l'état réelle de la carte excepté si la carte est scannée.

Je peux le cas échéant vous envoyez des scans de cartes dans la limite du raisonnable.

Merci d'avance et merci de votre compréhension !


=> Pour vos requêtes de créations de cartes, le cas échéant, les cartes Magic the Gathering (MTG) inhabituelles et communes sont crées ici. Vous donc libre de les acquérir ou pas!


Vérifiez aussi ma page Buylist du site pour mes demandes personnelles d'achats et pour les explicatifs d'achats entre nous!

My MTG Grading Guide Condition  / Mon Guide de Qualités Mtg :




AS old player and collector's (since 1994...) I use my own older grading got never problems with them.

The gradind card of each card is indicate after the title of the card.

Pics show on site are pics from data base so this not reflect the quality of the card (except if it is mentionned real scan pic).


Various notes about various MTG grading due to several printing process changing or printer by Wizards of the Coast :

*Some FOIL cards in certain MTG editions are automatically “Curved”, due to some other printing system that is not suitable for this edition, thoses cards are generally slightly curved as a result of this process.

*Some cards for some editions or expansions owns a bad printing process (afa : some Commander). 

By constantly trying to “change” the printing process, some cards (not foils) in certain recent editions or extensions are quickly damaged, with only a few specks of dust ... which is not generally the case with older editions with more matt cards without excess varnish of any kind, even for me in sleeves and unplayed. So I'm not responsible for the quality “chosen” by WOTC. Thank You.




Intro Note : If the card is listed alone so without any other grading separations (so if there's several ones as choices), check the grading in the card's title. If there's nothing notify in the title the cards are Near-Mint / Near Mint Minus if something is notify the card owns this grading.


1)Graded : Beckett / PSA, etc...

Graded cards owns his owns grading.


2)Mint :

Booster fresh (usually directly storage sleeved so perfect card).

Thoses cards are only allowed one or maybe two of these very minor flaws:

*A slight deviation/nic on an edge/corner.

*A tiny surface scratch, usually it will only show under certain lighting at an angle.

*Slightly off centered.

*A minor printing error.

*Very slight curling on foils.

That's the case mostly for older/vintage cards (printing process was not the same as nowadays).


3)Near Mint / Near Mint Minus (NM-NM Minus) :

The majority of the cards sells are graded Near Mint / Near Mint Minus. condition.

It's the regular quality of cards.

If there's no grading notify on the tiTle line, the card is in this grading condition or down (see so various grading "lift" grading).

Near Mint grading cards getting closer mint cards but they ar not booster fresh.

The border of thoses cards can have small white spots, but they must be very few and very small.

=>Near Mint - (minus) cards may have a few of these very minor flaws:

*Very minor surface scratching on front or back that are visible upon closer inspection.
*Very minor edge/corner wear or nics that are visible upon closer inspection.

I use mainly Near Mint minus alone in the title for more expensive cards.

Both cards (NM-NM Minus) can be as well :

*Off centered.
*Have a minor printing errors.

*Have a minor curling or minor clouding on Foils (some MTG expansions afa : mostly commander / From the Vault, etc. Thoses expansions cards have foils that are more curled that we still sell as NM).

=>Out of 10 points, I'd say the card is equivalent to 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 out of 10.


4)Slightly Played+ (SPLD+) :

It's a little bit equal to nowadays terms like "Excellent", "very good".

Cards in SPLD+ condition are great cards.

For SPLD+ cards it is almost always clearly visible upon first inspection that the card is not in perfect condition so NM or NM Minus.

It's the condition just down Near Mint Minus for me.

=>SPLD+ cards may have a few of these minor flaws:

*Minor surface scratching on front or back.
*Minor edge/corner wear or nics.

*Very few moderate surface scratching/whitening on front or back.

*Very few moderate edge/corner wear or nics.

*Off centered.
*Have a printing errors.

*Have a curling or clouding on Foils (some MTG expansions afa : mostly commander / From the Vault, etc. Thoses expansions cards have foils that are more curled that we still sell as SPLD+).

=>Out of 10 points, I'd say the card is equivalent to 8 / 7.5 / 7 out of 10.


5)Slightly Played - Played (SPLD - PLD) :

It's a little bit equal to nowadays terms like "Moderately played" or "good".

Cards in SPLD-PLD condition are good cards.

It's the condition just down SPLD+ for me.

These cards have been played but still fine.

=>SPLD - PLD cards may have a few of these flaws:

*Surface scratching on front or back but not a bunch.
*Edge/corner wear or nics but not a bunch.

*Few moderate surface scratching/whitening on front or back but not a bunch.

*Few moderate edge/corner wear or nics but not a bunch.

*Off centered.
*Have a printing errors.

*Have a curling or clouding on Foils (some MTG expansions afa : mostly commander / From the Vault, etc. Thoses expansions cards have foils that are more curled that we still sell as SPLD-PLD).

=>Out of 10 points, I'd say the card is equivalent to 6.5 / 6 / 5.5 out of 10.


6) Played Minus (PLD minus) :

It's a little bit equal to nowadays terms like "heavily played".

Cards in PLD minus condition still good cards but owns more problems than SPLD - PLD cards.

These cards have been played.

=>PLD minus cards may have a few of these flaws:

*Surface with a lot of scratching/whitening on front or back.

*Insane major surface whitening, corner wear, or edge wear.

*Some slightly borders inked.

*Off centered.
*Have a printing errors.

*Have a curling or clouding on Foils (some MTG expansions afa : mostly commander / From the Vault, etc. Thoses expansions cards have foils that are more curled that we still sell as PLD Minus).

=>Out of 10 points, I'd say the card is equivalent to 5 / 4.5 / 4 out of 10.


7) POOR :

Cards in Poor condition owns the worst problems.

=>POOR cards may have a few of these flaws:

*Major creasing.

*Major Inking (Example: a white bordered card inked black).

*Major center shuffle creasing to the point there is no card integrity.

*Major warping.

*Major water damage.

*Major binder indentation.
*Any tearing or Holes.

*Can be partially destroy.

* A part of the card can be missing.


=>Out of 10 points, I'd say the card is equivalent to 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 / 2 / 1 / or 0 out of 10.



MAGIC THE GATHERING : Stock Updates Notes (02/03/2025) :

-Got a lot since 1994... time to enter relax so ... all that I have will be listed with the time.

Since december 2024, I have begin to enter each Mythic and Rare cards from usual expansions and editions.

Normaly each day, one sup row will be entered (including foils cards).

They are listed in one section (several parts) :

Mythic Part here.

Rare Part here.

Part 1 For : AFR / AER / ARB / ALL / AKH / APC / AVR / BFZ / BBD / BOK / BNG / CHK.

Part 2 For : CSP / CONF / CNS / CN2 / DKA / DST / DIS / DOM / DMR / DMU / 2XM / DGM / DTK / EMN.

Part 3 For : 2X2EMA / EVE / EXO / FEM /


NB : You can ask me to create common and uncommon cards.


Updates :

Commander Series will follow asap.

Card's Creation are in stand by for MTG (except request) , I'm buzzy on my own game.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.