Magic The Gathering (MTG) : Chronicles Editions & Renaissance Editions :
This section of the site contains all the Magic the Gathering : Chronicles Editions & Renaissance Editions :
It is separate in 4 sections :
1) Chronicles (CHR ) English version.
2) Chronicles (CHR) Japanese black borders version.
3) Rinascimento (Renaissance Italian).
4) Renaissance (French & german languages).
- All pics show in the shop are issued from my own data base.
- If you use the search engine usually the code of the expansion or edition (afa: CHR) will gives you all the cards of it.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.
Chronicles (CHR) - english version.
Must be not confound with :
-Chronicles Japanese Black borders version 1996.
-Rinascimento italian version 1995.
-Renaissance french and german version.
*Release date : July 1995.
*Reprint Set : All cards in the set were from the Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, and The Dark expansions (14 from Arabian Nights, 21 from Antiquities, 71 from Legends, and 19 from The Dark).
Each card carried the expansion symbol from the set it was originally printed in.
*125 non-foil black-border cards.
*Cards were available in boosters Pack (ISBN: 1-880992-62-0GTIN: 7 42818 06551 1 ) and Booster Pack Box (SKU: WOC16551 ISBN: 1-880992-63-9 GTIN: 7 42818 16551 8).
*Cards are dated 1995.
Cards are not classify by alphabetical order (Rare, uncommon and after common cards by colors).

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.
Chronicles Japanese Black borders (Chronicles Jap B.B.).
Must be not confound with :
-Chronicles english version 1995.
-Rinascimento italian version 1995.
-Renaissance french and german version.
*125 non-foil black-border cards.
*Cards were available in boosters Pack (SKU: WOC22008) and Booster Pack Box
(WOC: 22108).
*Cards dated 1996 in place off 1995 (like Regular Chronicles english cards).

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.
Rinascimento (Italian).
This expansion is a reprint set very similar to Chronicles, that was only released into German, French (named Renaissance), and for the Italian markets (named Rinascimento).
Must be not confound with :
-Chronicles Japanese Black borders version 1996.
-Renaissance french and german version 1995.
-Chronicles english white borders.
*This expansion contains reprint of older sets like Arabian Nights, Antiquities but fewer total cards than the German and French languages versions because some cards where already previously reprinted for Legends and the Dark in italian language...
*Each card carries the expansion symbol from the set it was originally printed in.
*60 non-foil black-border cards.
*Cards were available only in boosters Pack (GTIN: 8 018527 091045) and was sold of eight cards which included six commons and two "uncommons" (old printing system, so some uncommon are more rarest...).
*Cards ar dated 1995.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.
Renaissance (REN) -french version.
Some cards can be found as well here in german language, it is notify in case off.
Must be not confound with :
-Chronicles Japanese Black borders version 1996.
-Rinascimento italian version 1995.
-Chronicles english white borders.
*Release date : July 1995.
*Reprint Set : Renaissance is very similar to Chronicles, it was released for the french, german and Itlian market (Rinascimento). It was sol din boosters packs of 8 cards which included six commons and two uncommons (different printing sheet rarity process).
Each card carried the expansion symbol from the set it was originally printed in.
*122 non-foil black-border cards.
*Cards were available in boosters Pack (ISBN: 1-880992-81-7, GTIN: 9 788809 928176) and Booster Pack Box (SKU: WOC20009, ISBN: 1-880992-81-7, GTIN: 9 788809 928176).
*Cards are dated 1995.