Magic the Gathering (MTG) : Premium Deck Serie : Fire & Lightning / Graveborn & Slivers : 


- This section of the site contains all the MTG cards issued from the Premium Deck Serie.

- It is separate in three sections (Premium Deck Serie : Fire & Lightning (PD2) / Premium deck Serie : Graveborn (PD3) / Premium Deck Serie : Slivers (HO9)). 

- All pics show in the shop are issued from my own data base.

- If you use the search engine usually the code of the expansion or edition (afa: BNG) will gives you all the cards of it.

Magic the Gathering (MTG): Premium Deck Serie : Fire & Lightning :

Magic the Gathering (MTG) Premium Deck Series : Fire & Lightning

*Released November 19, 2010, Premium Deck series is a limited box that contains cards in english language only.

*All cards are foil type cards based on Magic history cards that contains bunch of flames, bolts, and beats.

*Each card have a black bordered foil.

*Set symbol is: A flame.

*ISBN (13): 978-0-7869-5566-4 / Product Code: 210530000 57021053000001 EN / UPC: 6 53569 51026 0.

*This box was retailed for $34.99 US.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Magic the Gathering (MTG): Premium Deck Serie : Graveborn :

Magic the Gathering (MTG) Premium Decks series : Graveborn.

*Released November 18, 2011, Premium Deck series is a limited box that contains cards in english language only.

*All cards are foil type cards based on Magic history cards that works with your graveyard.

*Each card have a black bordered foil.

*Set symbol is: A skull.

*ISBN (13): 978-0-7869-5944-0 / Product Code: 375870000 57037587000001 EN / UPC: 6 53569 66319 5.

*This box was retailed for $34.99 US.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Magic the Gathering (MTG): Premium Deck Serie : Slivers :

Magic the Gathering (MTG) Premium Deck series Slivers

*Released November 20, 2009, Premium Deck Series: Slivers is a limited box that contains only and mainly slivers theme type cards in english language only.

*All cards are foil type cards of greatest Sliver cards from throughout Magic history, including several that have never been released in foil before.

*Each card have a black bordered foil.

*Set symbol is: A claw of a sliver.

*ISBN (13): 978-0-7869-5539-8 / Product Code: 255250000 57025525000001 EN / UPC: 6 53569 47861 4

*This box was retailed for $34.99 US.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.