Magic the Gathering (MTG) : Planeswalkers Decks : Cards Various : 

Magic the Gathering (MTG) Planeswalkers Decks extra cards

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

This section contains the unique cards that were only issued from the Planeswalkers (PL) Decks before the moment that Extra cards were available in various MTG products.


Thoses cards works mainly with the Planeswalkers itself and were so useful in thoses decks.

Except the various Core Set(s) extra cards in this section of the site and the various extra cards in this section, you'll find here in this shop section all the cards issued from thoses Planeswalkers Preconstructed Decks.


Those cards owns as nowadays extra cards as well a specific collecting afa 188/184. 


Cards in this section are not classify by alphabetical order.


Here is the list of them :

* Aether Revolt.

* Amonketh.

* Dominance.

* Guilds of Ravnica.

* Hour of Devastation.

* Ixalan.

* Kaladesh.

* Magic Origins (Builder's Tool kit).

* Rivals of Ixalan.

* War of the Spark.