


The After: the Board Game Appendix is an explanatory extension to the basic game rules and other documents.

A game aid available to all, this booklet is kept by the game leader to help him in his various tasks, but it also serves as a roadmap for your management duties throughout the game.

In fact, the Appendix will shed light on certain details of the game's mechanics, situations or documents that require more detail or clarification.

The game's Appendix contains a collection of terms, abbreviations and definitions, all listed in alphabetical order.
Use the drop-down menu on this page.


The Appendix is essential in some cases.

Don't hesitate to consult it on this page!

You can also download the complete file at the bottom of the page (more or less 75 pages....) or consult it via the term-by-term drop-down menu.

The latter is updated regularly.


LAST UPDATE DATE : 19/07/2024.


«1D20» :

1D20 is the abbreviation for a 20-sided die.
The 20-sided die is used in random rolls and certain phases of the game turn (GT), as well as in hand-to-hand combat (ATK1).
A D20 result in ATK1 combat is an elite success (see term: - "Elite success").
You can also use this die for other mechanisms during the game, for example to indicate the number of LP's (cfr term: - "Life Points") a military formation of a certain unit type (FMCTU) would have left, during the different sequences of a combat.


ABI stands for agriculture and breeding sector infrastructure. 


Please also refer to the appendix for the term "Infrastructure" of this type.


After" is the game's conventional currency. 

When you receive income from your territories or income from resource GCC cards, and pay for various purchases, this amount is always expressed in this way.


These should be stored in your personal filing cabinet in the insert designed for this purpose, and will be used throughout your game.

Afters are available in denominations of 10,000 / 5,000 / 2,000 / 1,000 / 500 / 200 / 100 / 50 / 10 / 5 / 3 / 2 / 1).

The total value of the "Afters" in your Victory Conditions and VP sheet is used to award VP's at the end of the game (phase 16).


In official tournaments, this system is not allowed: players must use a personal financial form (see term: "Financial form").

This can be downloaded from the website or provided by the organizer.



UPDATE 19/07/2024.