Magic the Gathering (MTG). Rivals US special edition cards. Shop.

© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Magic the Gathering (MTG):

Rivals Quick Starter Set (US version, released in July 1996).

=>To not be confound with the european "Introductory Two-Player Set" who's exist in French/Japanese/Italian/Spanish/German and English languages. English european cards are not the same as US Rivals ones...

Pics show in the shop are issued from my 4th Regular version data base.


*Thoses cards made in United States (not Carta Mundi...) were printed by Shepard Poorman.
*All Rivals Quick Start Set cards have the card name, casting cost, card type, flavor text and copyright line shifted down slightly compared to standard and Alternate Fourth Edition cards.
*The letter spacing is different as well and they also have a speck on the back of all the cards (on the left of the green symbol).
*The cards "Phantom Monster" and "Island" (5 clouds version) are not present in the Rivals US decks.

*Most of the basis lands are misprinted (miscut, off centered,etc...).

*Back side are more "orange" color.

*The Rivals Quick Start Set contains:
*112 4th Edition cards (slightly different printing) divided into 4 decks with a 1995 copyright line (even if 1995, they are not the same as the 4th regular Edition...).
*4 rules cards.
*4 deck list cards.
*2 player guides which cover 2 demo games.
*1 enhanced rule book with 4th Edition rules.
*1 mini-issue of the Duelist magazine which introduces the Magic world.
*1 consumer response card to provide feedback.

Product : WOC6552 / ISBN-12: 7 42818 06552 8 / ISBN-10: 1-57530-115-6.