Strategic Games
Warlord Saga of the Storm
Legend of the Five Rings
Magic the Gathering

Warlord Saga of the Storm (Warlord CCG) are a registered trademark of Alderac Entertainment (AEG)
All images are copyright © AEG.
All Rights Reserved.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) are a registered trademark of Alderac Entertainment (AEG) and Fantasy Flight Games, Inc.
All images are copyright © AEG.
All Rights Reserved.

Magic the Gathering is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Magic the Gathering and all magic images are copyright © Wizards Of The Coast, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Link to Board Game Geek Site
World Map
Elicopther Tank


My logo is a little bit like me...

A crazy guy in a crazy world. Thanks to my bro for it !

Not always easy to talk about oneself, it's not really objective, I prefer through the eyes of the others !

But I'll try... in a certain way.

Got now 54 years, yep already...., time's goes always fast and perhaps too fast ...

So "Carped Diem" guys !

So ...the first important things in life for me is : my family, my friends, my faith, to stay human (a real one...).

Got my wife (still the same... ^^), since now 22 years (Just correct the numbers !) and a great big boy that's got already 16 years.
We'll live in a small town in the Belgium campain, not so far from Waterloo ("Battle of 1815", Napoléon etc....). So in a certain way, a historic place and I like history.

Anyway it's impossible to build our futur without to know our past.

A small Phylosophical annotation so !

So a peacefull place where 2 chickens are running (perhaps to often in our little garden),

Chicken are sometimes like a Panzer (Type 4....) without any surveillance so take care to your vegetables. Got in sup a big dog that's often running in my small garden too (Tiger type destructor for my  grass).

You add around all of this, cows and the sounds of church bell in my area that gives a sup sound floating athmosphere.
Idyllic by chance for the moment...


Bunch of guys knows me since years as serious (I hope.... normaly yes), helpfull (still try to be...), honnest (just confirm me that... please...) through various events, parties, discussions, etc.

Because.... I'm a player (Yeah....) and something in my veins are always running for that !

My Experiences ?!

Since I went out of school, I always have built stuff myself without a big high school knowledge (Afa: my english written here....) because I simply like to create things. Got a passion for that.

A kind of Imhotep ?! Don't know.... I'm like that.

So during my youth, I have built camps with my friends; under the ground, in the trees and in of course a bunch ....in my mind. We were playing at that moment a bunch of board games...

It's impossible to enumarate you all the games of course, but there was some RPG ("Oeil Noir" mainly..), a bunch of various board games, first CCG games, little soldiers battles, real strategic battles.
And the fact was that we wished always to go further together.

So our simple RPG was modify, enriched with more rules, more fun and our board games partie was reaching an another level.
As for example, we have played a bunch of Stratego games (the old version) but with 6 plates in instead of 2.
The" Stratego" is just a simple example of course, but you see what kind of razy stuff we were able to reach and do.
For our RPG, we were all locked in a room during a week end to play with some "Dead can Dance" song behind, under the lights of some tiny candles.

It was a totaly crazy period. Even for the RPG scenarios there was not only the commercial books that we have used but as well done by me. (Yep I was the "Dungeon Master").

Pitty never played myself ....but I was leading the dance for my friends.

And it was a real pleasure for me to see them have so much fun.

Sports as well, always with the same friends, like football parties against other streets teams, bikes races etc... Hunting parties as well.

Even if the time has passed since...., we usually see us every year to go to eat together and to have some fun moments again... It's not always easy because the way of life got often his detour.

So after have to be a music seller and after to have been a music shop manager (the real music stuff....) during some few years after to have finish school, I have fall again in this "play world" because I was collecting MTG cards in the same time at my store. It was round 1996 or shortly before.

"Play world" means to play again and not only tournaments but again various evolved board games. Bunch of various ones and my first wife (yes because got here near my second one... if you have followed me ^^) was as well in this "trip".

Thanks to both of her to have try .... to still try.... ?! Mmmhhh... to understand me.

In the meantime, the taste to play has pushed me of course to collect and play to discover ....of course .... other friendly guys through MTG, Warlord CCG or L5R.

Yep let's talk about now my game idea ...

I'm boring to see since a few times "things" going to much in a commercial way...

Afa: Do you'll be able to be the first ranked or the beter one at this online game without to have paid some penny to jump "some levels" ?!

Thoses kinds of "things" is a complete nonsense for player.

So as for definition, a guy that loves to play and are happy to win only with his own brain ^^

Beter to be, around a table with 6 friends, to play, to laugh, to talk, and after to eat and drink (without excess) together.
Real Human relations ....


So after to have seen how things goes badly (Covid period included), as player some olds memories have shaked again my mind..., and a crazy idea has exploded from the "deepth darkest side of my crazy brain":

Why not a new kind of realistic boardgame in this "fallen" world ?!

But now... how managed that in a normal way ?

- It must be honnest (afa: I hate to see reprinted things to soon... I have always the felling to have lost money, same as well for the Artists works by the way).
- Must be not too expensive in general as well for starting players or guys that can have more difficulties to follow because the "things" behind doesn't follow like "bullets".
- Bunch of free goodies with the time, that's always funny for everyone.
- Realistic (Yep this world (our "mother earth" by the way...) is a excellent base . And the game will be as well a kind of sup acknowledge for everyone (that's the tiny bonus of the game, to learn more things).
- Full of various mechanics (without to be drowned....), enriching strategic parts.
- Where battle are playing like a CCG cards game.
- Where campain will be possible as well to play in tournaments.
- Where you'll be define with one "Officer Personality CCG card", with your game sucess.
- Where no one will tell you after 30 sec (while yawning): "Do you think it'll takes you more than 10' Eric to read the rules ? " (I hate that ....)
- Where game rules try to be easier to learn following a certain "game logic".
- And finally, hours of fun in family or with friends.

So things all thoses differents aspects are on the way, and now since a few with the help of my Uncle and informatic support of Andrea (Nandeck software).

I hope to launch it before end of 2024, but to reach this goal and still have a bunch of works to do.

So stay tuned for more news guys and Misses ...





Why am I no longer present on cardmarket and ebay?


The reason is quite simple...
If I sell on Cardmaket or ebay, of course I owe eBay and Cardmarket VAT ... but as I depend on the Smart company that declares my sales, the latter pays my VAT and we are several to use the same TVA number so impossible to make a combi due to that.



The online shop (shopping basket) is open every day, but always closes on Sundays and public holidays.

I've been collecting and playing since 1994, so I know what you need!


Each section of each different shop (After: The Board Game, Warlord Saga of the Storm, Legend of the Five Rings, Warhammer) contains information in their main pages and are subdivided on the right in sub-categories where you should find your happiness!

Items of all kinds available on the site are of course available directly....

For your various requests, for each of these different sections, don't forget that the design of my game comes first.

When I have time, I'll poke around and update your requests.

Each of these different shop sections contains an update of my stock at the bottom of the page.

Don't forget to take a look at the site's terms and conditions of sale and delivery information.

Thank you for your interest!



Le magasin en ligne (panier) est ouvert tous les jours mais celui-ci ferme toujours le dimanche et durant les jours fériés.

Les envois s'effectuent tous les jours, je suis collectionneur et joueur depuis 1994, donc je connais vos besoins!


Chaque section de chaque shop différents (After :The Board Game, Warlord Saga of the Storm, Legend of the Five Rings, Warhammer) contient des informations dans leurs pages principales et se se subdivisent sur la droite en sous catégories où vous devriez trouver votre bonheur!

Ce qui est disponible sur le site en articles de tous genres étant bien sur disponibles directement....

Pour vos demandes diverses, pour chacune de ces différentes sections donc, n'oubliez pas que la conception de mon jeu passe en premier.

Quand j'ai le temps je farfouille et met à jour vos demandes.

Chacune de ces sections de shop différents contient en bas de page, une mise à jours de mon stock.

N'oubliez pas de jeter un oeil le cas échéant aux conditions de ventes du site et aux informations de livraisons.

Merci !


I'm part of the Smart workers' cooperative.

The shared company is administratively embodied in the ASBL Productions Associées.

Smart website link.



Je fais partie de la coopérative de travailleurs et travailleuses Smart.

L'entreprise partagée s'incarne administrativement dans l'ASBL Productions Associées.

Lien internet site Smart.


Coordonnées administratives / Administrative details:

Coordonnées bancaires / bank details:

IBAN CODE :  BE35 0019 9072 5037.


BANK : BNP Paribas Fortis Belgium.

Name : Maes Eric

Address (in case off):

Rue Banterley 92

1471 Loupoigne.

B- Belgium.

email adress: info@aftertheboardgame.com