Warlord Saga of the Storm : Orazhuk of Scarab (SD)
Card Name:Orazhuk of Scarab
Damage Type:Physical
Armor Class:15
Hit Points:2
Faction:Nothrog Legions
Traits:Druid Traitor
Spend Order: Once per turn, target a character: Each opponent chooses a target character other than the one you chose. You must move one target forward one rank, if possible. Move the rest backward one rank.
Stolen Destiny (SD) (040)
Erratum: -The Order should read "Spend Order: Once per turn, target a character: Each opponent chooses a target character other than the one you chose. You must move one target forward one rank, if possible. Move the rest backward one rank." Rulings: -Orazhuk's controller decides which character moves forward and in which order the rest are moved backward. -Any character in play may be selected as a target by this action. -Choosing a character counts as targeting that character with this action, even the characters that the opposing players choose. -If no character can move forward, than all of the targets are moved backward.