Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) : Learn-to-Play Set (L2P) : Matter of Honor Box

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Item number: L5RL2P2013

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R).

Matter of Honor (L2P BOX 2013)


ISBN: 7-29220-16800-9


A .pdf file of the A Matter of Honor Rules is available for download here.(at the bottom page).


More informations (AEG Archives):

In the provinces of the Lion Clan, the peace of the plains is shattered by the appearance of an oni, a monstrosity from the Realm of Evil. Once the beast is defeated, at the cost of many samurai’s lives, the Lion’s ire turns to the Crab Clan. Are the Crab not the guardians who protect the Empire from such nightmares? Surely such a terrible thing would never have occurred if the Lion had stood guard over the Carpenter Wall. Ill will turns to bold words, and bold words soon turn to bloodshed. With the two greatest armies of the Empire at one another’s throats, who will emerge victorious?

A Matter of Honor is the ultimate (Eric'sUpdate : Not latest one) Learn to Play Set for the Legend of the Five Rings Collectible Card Game, featuring the streamlined and comprehensive rules of Ivory Edition. Discover the game and delve into its rich history as a member of the stalwart Crab Clan or the proud Lion Clan, and in doing so get ready to face the challenges that lay ahead of the samurai of the Emerald Empire of Rokugan in the years to come! In this set you will find:

  • 2 Ivory legal and ready to play L5R CCG decks (one Crab, one Lion)
  • 4 Ivory legal boosters to improve your deck
  • A 16-pages story book detailing the events that led to the war
  • A comprehensive and fully illustrated rulebook
  • An envelope containing secrets to be discovered at your own risk!