AFTER : THE BOARD GAME : Friendly Links  / Liens Amicaux :


French language => Voici quelques liens internet amicaux liés au site After : The Board game , en relation avec le site ou s'en approchant.

Cliquez sur la bannière pour les atteindre.
Le lien s'ouvrant dans une nouvelle page web.

-Pour les magasins participants au jeu After : The Board Game consulter plutôt cette page du site.

-Pour les organismes d'où son issus les statistiques du jeu, consultez cette page du site.


English language => Here are a few friendly links to the After: The Board game website, either related to the site, or something like it.

Click on the banner to reach them.
The link will open in a new web page.

-For stores participating in After: The Board Game, please visit this site page.

-To find out more about the organizations behind the game's statistics, visit this site page.

Passion 132 :

Site belge à ne pas rater pour passionnés de maquettes!

A must-see Belgian site for model enthusiasts!


©2025 passion132.



Warlord Saga of the Storm (CCG) : Official website :


© 2025 Warlord: Saga of the Storm by Kingswood Games An official licensee of AEG.

Which has no affiliation with

Magic the Gathering (MTG) : Official website :


© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

Which has no affiliation with



Warhammer : official website :


© Copyright Games Workshop limited 2025.

Which has no affiliation with


Board Game Geek website (BGG) :

Game data base and more ....


Geekdo, BoardGameGeek, the Geekdo logo, and the BoardGameGeek logo are trademarks of BoardGameGeek, LLC.

Which has no affiliation with E.M. Games.


Centre archéologique de Genappe website :

Genappe archaeological center website.


© 2025 Tumerelle Nicolas. Tous droits réservés.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG :

Decks and Techs informations Archives.

Kolat informant logo

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG :

The Kolat Information Network is the world's most recognized brand of CCG fans. Games that we cover include Warlord Saga of the Storm, Flesh and Blood TCG, Star Wars Unlimited TCG, and the now out of print Legend of the Five Rings CCG.

Website link.

You tube link.



Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG :

L5R Oracle of the Void Database.

Data base website managed by Don Eisele.

Data base as well for Legend of the Burning Sands / 7th Sea CCG / Initial D CCG / Warlord Saga of the Stom (CCG) / Dune CCG. 

Illustrators artits


Vous trouverez ci-dessous différents liens d'illustrateurs et artistes travaillant dans le domaine des jeux.

Utilisez les touches CTRL + F sur votre clavier pour la recherche!

Normalement ce sont les bons liens, merci de me corriger le cas échéant en me contactant.

Merci de les soutenir.


Below you'll find links to illustrators and artists working in the field of games.

Use the CTRL + F keys on your keyboard to search!

Normally these are the correct links, please correct them if necessary by contacting me.

Thank you for supporting them.

Artits website