Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) ccg:

Personality promo type cards from all ARC.


From various Clans :

*Brotherhood of Shinsei (older L5R Clan, mostly monks personality. Some still B.O.S., some others through the time have joined a status of unaligned or L5R personality or finally have joined another clan type).

*Naga Clan (older L5R Clan, most of them through the time have joined a status of unaligned or  L5R personality).

*Ninja Clan (older L5R Clan, most of them have been joigned the Scorpion Clan). 

*Ratling Clan (older L5R Clan, most of them have joined a status of unaligned or L5R personality).

*Shadowlands (older L5R Clan, still shadowlands).

*Spirit Clan (older L5R Clan, most of them have joined a status of a L5R personality).

*Totury's Army (older L5R Clan, most of them have joined a status of a L5R personality or joigned a another Clan type).

*Unaligned Clan.

*Crab / Crane / Dragon / Lion / Mantis / Phoenix / Scorpion / Spider and Unicorn are the most recent Clans for the latest AEG ERA expansions and editions.


Notes :

They are all classify by clan type (sometimes 2 (afa B.O.S. and unaligned)), note that follower type promo cards are classify in this site section.


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