© 2024 Warlord: Saga of the Storm by Kingswood Games An official licensee of AEG.
Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.
Warlord Saga of the Storm (ccg) :
10 Anniversary sealed set (10A).
*This set was printed August 2011 and contains 110 cards (2 decks) that represent the best and most eagerly sought cards in Warlord: Saga of the Storm history.
*Cards were chosen by players themselves like "Call to Arms" expansion.
*The card "No Prisoners" doesn't own a exclamation mark like the previous "Southern Kindoms" expansion and basic "Epic Edition" versions.
*The card "Rafkin" from Dominance expansion that was at the same time issue from Elf and a Free Kingdoms factions owns in this set two clearely separates versions.
*Pre-order price was fixed at USD 34.99.
112 results