© 1993-2025 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.
Magic the Gathering (MTG):
Hachette Italian white borders 2005, Magic Encyclopedia.
Pics show in the shop are issued from my own data base, it's not specially the card itself.
*This section contains the exclusive Italian cards that doesn't appear in the Hachette 2005 Edition as in French, English (only 5 issues) and Spanish language (not the Salvat Black borders edition) and some others regular ones.
*Thoses exclusives cards are mainly issue from the "Beast" and "Cat" theme deck.
*This encyclopedia was distributed by the Hachette group publishing company and Hasbro, parent company of Wizards of the Coast.
The product was sold with a set of exclusive cards that form theme decks.